Gas compressor station project No 1
Client: SOCAR
Location: Gunashli Deep Sea Water Platform No 4 (offshore)
Scope of work: Engineering, procurement, construction, transportation, site installation (onshore), offshore installation, start-up and commissioning.
General information: The gas compressor station is designed to collect low pressure gases and transport it to suction of BCS-2 at Oil Rocks. The completed project consists of establishment of two Siemens SGT400 twin shaft gas turbine compressor drivers, two Siemens STC-SH driven units gas compressors and two Siemens STC-SV driven units gas compressors.
Capacity of compressors: Maximum one compressor capacity - 2 million m3/day (20°C and 1 ATM); maximum two compressors capacity - 4 million m3/day (20°C and 1 ATM).
Completion date: May 2012
Design conditions applied:
Design Pressure/Temp | |
Station Inlet | 1 barg (+5°C/+25°C) |
Outlet of 1st stage compressor | 6,3 barg (144°C) |
Inlet of 2nd stage compressor | 5,28 barg (48°C) |
Outlet of 2nd stage compressor | 19,5 barg (167°C) |